[PKG-OpenRC-Debian] [GIT] Packaging OpenRC annotated tag 0.20 created. 0.20

Benda Xu heroxbd-guest at moszumanska.debian.org
Tue Feb 23 13:59:49 UTC 2016

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script. It was
generated because a ref change was pushed to the repository containing
the project "Packaging OpenRC".

The annotated tag, 0.20 has been created
        at  81614217662d7217b4f0a838ec9a319988251a24 (tag)
   tagging  04f05c30d13ec83b85164a536eb570f29a66b275 (commit)
  replaces  0.19
 tagged by  William Hubbs
        on  Wed Jan 13 11:07:25 2016 -0600

- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
release 0.20
Version: GnuPG v2


Rick Farina (Zero_Chaos) (1):
      netmount: use want dependency to start nfsclient

William Hubbs (18):
      Increment version number
      Rename bootlevel variable in _usage.c
      Create detect_container() and detect_vm() functions
      Convert rc_sys() calls to detect_container() and detect_vm()
      rc.map: remove references to rc_sys_v{1,2}
      Update feature-removal-schedule wrt mtab service
      Add note about removing rc_sys() from librc
      Complete support for rc.conf.d
      Add note about deprecating rc_getline()
      FEATURE-REMOVAL-SCHEDULE: create section for librc API functions
      format fix
      Convert OpenRC to a centralized copyright/license structure
      add ignore patterns for init.d directory
      rc: clean up compiler warnings
      Clean default env_whitelist
      rc: fix compiler warnings cleanup
      Remove multicall binary structure from OpenRC
      update ChangeLog

joe9 (1):
      allow the user to decide whether fsck aborts for errors


Packaging OpenRC

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