[Openstack-devel] Fwd: Debian OpenstackHowto

Rolf Wuerdemann rolf.wuerdemann at fmf.uni-freiburg.de
Thu Sep 6 17:57:00 UTC 2012

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Debian OpenstackHowto
Date: Thu, 06 Sep 2012 18:29:34 +0200
From: Rolf Wuerdemann <Rolf.Wuerdemann at fmf.uni-freiburg.de>
To: loic at debian.org

Hi Loic,

sorry for bothering you, but I've found some small
errors/missing points on the Debian OpenstackHowto
Page (and have small question where you might help):

a) Even every admin should know, you must restart
the keystone service after changing the passwort.
(Configuration, Keystone)

b) "ADMIN_ROLE=$(keystone role-list|awk '/ admin / { print $2 }')"

The roles are not initialized on debian wheezy, so
ADMIN_ROLE=$(get_id keystone role-create --name admin)
KEYSTONEADMIN_ROLE=$(get_id keystone role-create --name KeystoneAdmin)
KEYSTONESERVICEADMIN_ROLE=$(get_id keystone role-create --name

would suite better than:
ADMIN_ROLE=$(keystone role-list|awk '/ admin / { print $2 }')
KEYSTONEADMIN_ROLE=$(keystone role-list|awk '/ KeystoneAdmin / { print
$2 }')
KEYSTONESERVICEADMIN_ROLE=$(keystone role-list|awk '/
KeystoneServiceAdmin / { print $2 }')

c) Dashboard: As it seems apache2 isn't listening on 8080
in wheezy - maybe a small notice will help

d) I have added the config (anon) I'm using for our flat-DHCP
POC - you may use it, if you like

e) As it seems "apt-get purge" didn't remove all information
of an prior openstack installation - at least the instances
are known to the system (even with dropping the sql tables)

f) I've ruled out the small question by my self (flat dhcp
wasn't working properly)

Kind regards,


Rolf Würdemann
Address: Freiburger Materialforschungszentrum
          Stefan-Meier-Straße 21
          D-79104 Freiburg i. Br.
          Tel. : +49 761 203 4766
          Fax  : +49 761 203 4701
          email: Rolf.Wuerdemann at fmf.uni-freiburg.de

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