[Openstack-devel] OVS 2.0.1 packages in Debian

Thomas Goirand zigo at debian.org
Wed Dec 18 03:28:49 UTC 2013

On 12/18/2013 03:34 AM, Ben Pfaff wrote:
> Thomas, are you interested in being a Debian comaintainer for Open
> vSwitch?  Simon
> Horman used to help out but I don't think he's done an upload in years.


GREAT! Thanks a lot for giving me this opportunity. I'm exited by this
idea. Indeed, I'll be very happy to be a co-maintainer.

I can't see any git repository on Alioth for the maintenance of OVS. I
usually prefer to use Git for maintaining my packages. Are you used to
do that?

Now, if we want to maintain it, best IMO is to use a team.

How about maintaining OVS within the OpenStack team repository on
Alioth? Since OpenStack is the first consumer of OVS, this IMO makes
sense. You could this way, help with the packaging of Neutron as well if
you have time and energy for that. It'd be super cool if the team was
receiving some help from someone like you, even if that's only on
Neutron. I'll be also honored to have one of the OVS upstream maintainer
in the team.

As you may know, I'm the most active contributor in the OpenStack
packaging team in Debian. If you need any help with git-buildpackage or
anything of that sort, I'm available on the team IRC channel
(#debian-openstack on the OFTC network).

If you want to be familiar with the packaging workflow within the Alioth
group, it's here:

As well, register to the list (openstack-devel at lists.alioth.debian.org).

If there's anything which needs to be clarified form that page, let me
know. This page is a constant work in progress, trying to make OpenStack
as welcoming as possible for new contributors.

If you wish to go ahead with this way of doing things (I don't want to
force anything on you), then please register here:

Since you are a Debian developer, I can make you directly admin of the
Alioth group: that's the policy within this Alioth group: only (and all)
Debian developers get to be admin.

If you prefer to keep OVS separated from the Alioth group, then I think
best way forward would be to create a specific Alioth group for OVS.

Now, about packaging OVS 2.x, since you said it's not a LTS version,
what we can do is package it still, and upload it to Debian Experimental
until we have an LTS for OVS. What do you think?

Looking forward working with you more,

Thomas Goirand (zigo)

P.S: For the rest of the team who missed some of the discussion we had
privately (not that we're hiding anything): I was asking Ben about
packaging OVS 2.0, because it has support for VXLAN, which would be best
for Neutron as GRE is CPU intensive, and VLANs are limited in numbers.
He replied that what's been done right now is only uploading the "LTS"
versions of OVS. Then came the topic of co-maintaining OVS.

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