[Openstack-devel] (pgp signed) git tags for cliff-tablib

Thomas Goirand zigo at debian.org
Sat Feb 2 05:34:42 UTC 2013

Hi Doug,

I would like to package cliff-tablib in Debian. However, there's no tags
on your github repository:


Could you please add some (pgp signed) tags so that we can use these?
FYI, we use git-buildpackage which uses tags to generate the orig.tar.xz
from upstream, and select the release HEAD in the master branch.

Also, could you explain what's the role of this package? I just saw that
it's a build-depends of Quantum in Ubuntu, but I don't know much more
about it. I'm used to try to understand a bit more... :) Is this a QA
tool? Is it mandatory?

Please let me know when done,



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