[Openstack-devel] [Quantum dhcp-agent] Dnsmasq process cannot read host anc opt files

Édouard Thuleau edouard.thuleau at cloudwatt.com
Wed Feb 20 19:10:02 UTC 2013

Hi all,

I try to use Quantum OpenStack packages with Debian 7.0. I use the repository ftp.gplhost.com openstack (quantum-dhcp-agent 2012.2.3-1)

I've got some trouble with the DHCP agent (quantum-dhcp-agent 2012.2.3-1).
When a dnsmasq is launched, I can see in syslog some permission errors to read the host and opt files.
The dnsmasq process is divided in two processes, a parent process launched with nobody user and child with root UID.
The opt and conf file have the read rights for all users (-rw-r--r--)

I tried to add all rights to everybody (777) and restart (kill -HUP) the dnsmasq process. But I still have the denied read permission for these files.
And when the dnsmasq received a DHCP request, it doesn't answer with the error "no address available".
I think is a problem related to Debian, because I didn't meet it with Ubuntu.

Could you help me ?


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