[PKG-Openstack-devel] Bug#773504: python-nova: nwfilter-problem with libvirt >= 1.2.7

Eckebrecht von Pappenheim evp at heise.de
Fri Dec 19 09:27:34 UTC 2014

Package: python-nova
Version: 2014.1.3-6
Severity: grave
Tags: upstream
Justification: renders package unusable

Dear Maintainer,

*** Reporter, please consider answering these questions, where appropriate ***

   * What led up to the situation?
Running openstack on jessie. Starting or migrating VMs leads to errors like

libvirtError: operation failed: filter 'nova-instance-instance-00000012-fa163e8eb435' already exists with uuid 6b2b71c1-486c-4ef2-b0e3-1c0918bd317f

   * What exactly did you do (or not do) that was effective (or
Including patch from https://review.openstack.org/#/c/122721/

*** firewall.py.orig	Thu Dec 18 14:20:43 2014
--- firewall.py	Thu Dec 18 14:19:55 2014
*** 15,20 ****
--- 15,23 ----
  #    License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
  #    under the License.
+ import uuid
+ from lxml import etree
  from oslo.config import cfg
  from nova.cloudpipe import pipelib
*** 59,89 ****
          return self._libvirt_get_connection()
      _conn = property(_get_connection)
!     @staticmethod
!     def nova_no_nd_reflection_filter():
          """This filter protects false positives on IPv6 Duplicate Address
          return '''<filter name='nova-no-nd-reflection' chain='ipv6'>
                    <!-- no nd reflection -->
                    <!-- drop if destination mac is v6 mcast mac addr and
                         we sent it. -->
                    <rule action='drop' direction='in'>
                        <mac dstmacaddr='33:33:00:00:00:00'
                             dstmacmask='ff:ff:00:00:00:00' srcmacaddr='$MAC'/>
!                   </filter>'''
!     @staticmethod
!     def nova_dhcp_filter():
          """The standard allow-dhcp-server filter is an <ip> one, so it uses
             ebtables to allow traffic through. Without a corresponding rule in
             iptables, it'll get blocked anyway.
          return '''<filter name='nova-allow-dhcp-server' chain='ipv4'>
!                     <uuid>891e4787-e5c0-d59b-cbd6-41bc3c6b36fc</uuid>
                      <rule action='accept' direction='out'
                        <udp srcipaddr=''
--- 62,91 ----
          return self._libvirt_get_connection()
      _conn = property(_get_connection)
!     def nova_no_nd_reflection_filter(self):
          """This filter protects false positives on IPv6 Duplicate Address
+         uuid = self._get_filter_uuid('nova-no-nd-reflection')
          return '''<filter name='nova-no-nd-reflection' chain='ipv6'>
                    <!-- no nd reflection -->
                    <!-- drop if destination mac is v6 mcast mac addr and
                         we sent it. -->
!                   <uuid>%s</uuid>
                    <rule action='drop' direction='in'>
                        <mac dstmacaddr='33:33:00:00:00:00'
                             dstmacmask='ff:ff:00:00:00:00' srcmacaddr='$MAC'/>
!                   </filter>''' % uuid
!     def nova_dhcp_filter(self):
          """The standard allow-dhcp-server filter is an <ip> one, so it uses
             ebtables to allow traffic through. Without a corresponding rule in
             iptables, it'll get blocked anyway.
!         uuid = self._get_filter_uuid('nova-allow-dhcp-server')
          return '''<filter name='nova-allow-dhcp-server' chain='ipv4'>
!                     <uuid>%s</uuid>
                      <rule action='accept' direction='out'
                        <udp srcipaddr=''
*** 97,103 ****
!                   </filter>'''
      def setup_basic_filtering(self, instance, network_info):
          """Set up basic filtering (MAC, IP, and ARP spoofing protection)."""
--- 99,105 ----
!                   </filter>''' % uuid
      def setup_basic_filtering(self, instance, network_info):
          """Set up basic filtering (MAC, IP, and ARP spoofing protection)."""
*** 172,178 ****
--- 174,182 ----
          nic_id = vif['address'].replace(':', '')
          instance_filter_name = self._instance_filter_name(instance, nic_id)
          parameters = self._get_instance_filter_parameters(vif)
+         uuid = self._get_filter_uuid(instance_filter_name)
          xml = '''<filter name='%s' chain='root'>''' % instance_filter_name
+         xml += '<uuid>%s</uuid>' % uuid
          for f in filters:
              xml += '''<filterref filter='%s'>''' % f
              xml += ''.join(parameters)
*** 210,232 ****
          filter_set = ['no-mac-spoofing',
!         self._define_filter(self.nova_no_nd_reflection_filter)
          self._define_filter(self._filter_container('nova-nodhcp', filter_set))
          self._define_filter(self._filter_container('nova-base', filter_set))
!         self._define_filter(self.nova_dhcp_filter)
          self.static_filters_configured = True
      def _filter_container(self, name, filters):
!         xml = '''<filter name='%s' chain='root'>%s</filter>''' % (
!                  name,
                   ''.join(["<filterref filter='%s'/>" % (f,) for f in filters]))
          return xml
      def _define_filter(self, xml):
          if callable(xml):
              xml = xml()
--- 214,253 ----
          filter_set = ['no-mac-spoofing',
!         self._define_filter(self.nova_no_nd_reflection_filter())
          self._define_filter(self._filter_container('nova-nodhcp', filter_set))
          self._define_filter(self._filter_container('nova-base', filter_set))
!         self._define_filter(self.nova_dhcp_filter())
          self.static_filters_configured = True
      def _filter_container(self, name, filters):
!         uuid = self._get_filter_uuid(name)
!         xml = '''<filter name='%s' chain='root'>
!                    <uuid>%s</uuid>
!                    %s
!                  </filter>''' % (name, uuid,
                   ''.join(["<filterref filter='%s'/>" % (f,) for f in filters]))
          return xml
+     def _get_filter_uuid(self, name):
+         try:
+             flt = self._conn.nwfilterLookupByName(name)
+             xml = flt.XMLDesc(0)
+             doc = etree.fromstring(xml)
+             u = doc.find("./uuid").text
+         except Exception as e:
+             LOG.debug("Cannot find UUID for filter '%s': '%s'" % (name, e))
+             u = uuid.uuid4().hex
+         LOG.debug("UUID for filter '%s' is '%s'" % (name, u))
+         return u
      def _define_filter(self, xml):
          if callable(xml):
              xml = xml()

   * What was the outcome of this action?

libvirt 1.2.9 runs smoothly with openstack

*** End of the template - remove these template lines ***

-- System Information:
Debian Release: jessie/sid
  APT prefers testing-updates
  APT policy: (500, 'testing-updates'), (500, 'testing')
Architecture: amd64 (x86_64)

Kernel: Linux 3.16.0-4-amd64 (SMP w/4 CPU cores)
Locale: LANG=C, LC_CTYPE=C (charmap=ANSI_X3.4-1968)
Shell: /bin/sh linked to /bin/dash
Init: systemd (via /run/systemd/system)

Versions of packages python-nova depends on:
ii  dpkg                                   1.17.21
ii  libpython2.7-stdlib [python-argparse]  2.7.8-11
ii  openssh-client                         1:6.7p1-3
ii  openssl                                1.0.1j-1
ii  python                                 2.7.8-2
ii  python-amqplib                         1.0.2-1
ii  python-anyjson                         0.3.3-1
ii  python-babel                           1.3+dfsg.1-5
ii  python-boto                            2.34.0-2
ii  python-cinderclient                    1:1.0.8-2
ii  python-daemon                          1.5.5-1
ii  python-eventlet                        0.13.0-1
ii  python-feedparser                      5.1.3-3
ii  python-glanceclient                    1:0.12.0-1
ii  python-greenlet                        0.4.2-1+b2
ii  python-iso8601                         0.1.10-1
ii  python-jinja2                          2.7.3-1
ii  python-jsonschema                      2.3.0-1
ii  python-keystoneclient                  1:0.10.1-2
ii  python-kombu                           3.0.21-2
ii  python-libxml2                         2.9.1+dfsg1-4
ii  python-lockfile                        1:0.8-2
ii  python-lxml                            3.4.0-1
ii  python-memcache                        1.53+2014.06.08.git.918e88c496-1
ii  python-migrate                         0.9.1-1
ii  python-mysqldb                         1.2.3-2.1
ii  python-netaddr                         0.7.12-2
ii  python-neutronclient                   2.3.6-2
ii  python-novaclient                      2:2.18.1-1
ii  python-oslo.config                     1:1.3.0-2
ii  python-oslo.messaging        
ii  python-oslo.rootwrap                   1.2.0-3
ii  python-paramiko                        1.15.1-1
ii  python-paste                 
ii  python-pastedeploy                     1.5.2-1
ii  python-pbr                             0.8.2-1
ii  python-pyasn1                          0.1.7-1
ii  python-pycadf                          0.5.1-1
ii  python-pycurl                          7.19.5-3
ii  python-pyparsing                       2.0.3+dfsg1-1
ii  python-requests                        2.4.3-4
ii  python-routes                          2.0-1
ii  python-simplejson                      3.6.5-1
ii  python-six                             1.8.0-1
ii  python-sqlalchemy                      0.9.8+dfsg-0.1
ii  python-stevedore                       0.14.1-1
ii  python-subunit                         0.0.18-4
ii  python-suds                            0.4.1-15
ii  python-tempita                         0.5.2-1
ii  python-testrepository                  0.0.20-1
ii  python-webob                           1.4-2
ii  python-xattr                           0.6.4-3
ii  sudo                                   1.8.10p3-1
ii  websockify                             0.6.0+dfsg1-1

python-nova recommends no packages.

Versions of packages python-nova suggests:
ii  python-suds  0.4.1-15

-- no debconf information

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