[PKG-Openstack-devel] Incompatible API coming, in “python-daemon >= 2”

Thomas Goirand zigo at debian.org
Fri Jun 5 07:50:19 UTC 2015

On 06/05/2015 03:42 AM, Ben Finney wrote:
> Howdy,
> You are maintaining a package with a dependency on ‘python-daemon’. In
> turn, this brings a dependency on ‘python-lockfile’.
> Debian's package ‘python-lockfile’ has recently updated to one with a
> backward-incompatible API. (In summary: exported names in the API have
> changed, and dependent code must change accordingly. See its changelog
> for more detail.)
> The ‘python-daemon’ code has changed in many ways since the version
> 1.5.x series. The 2.x series now depends on the current
> ‘python-lockfile’ API, and it is that version of ‘python-daemon’ which
> will be soon uploaded to Debian.
> Please check the package you maintain to see whether it is compatible
> with upstream ‘python-daemon’ version 2 or later.
> If the package is compatible only with earlier ‘python-daemon’
> versions, I recommend declaring this in the package metadata. A field
> “Depends: python-daemon (<= 1.6)” would be good.
> If there is an upstream version of your package that is compatible
> *only* with ‘python-daemon’ version 2 or later, please package that
> version with “Depends: python-daemon (>= 2)”.
> The backward-incompatible ‘python-daemon’ will likely be uploaded into
> Debian within a few weeks.
> Please let me wknow if you need assistance with this issue.

Hi Ben,

As much as I can see, only sftpcloudfs and ftp-cloudfs depends on
python-daemon in Sid. Nova and Cinder used to depend on it, and still do
in Jessie, but don't anymore in Sid.

Did you run apt-rdepends -r in Sid to check for that?

I'll try to get both ftp-cloudfs and sftpcloudfs updated. Could you
upload python-daemon >= 2 in Experimental, so that it makes it more easy
to test? I'd suggest you to use the best practice for transitions btw:
have bugs opened as severity normal when python-daemon is in
Experimental, and set it to severity grave when it is uploaded to Sid
and breaks something.


Thomas Goirand (zigo)

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