[PKG-Openstack-devel] Your last changes in git-review

Clint Adams clint at debian.org
Mon Jun 15 01:24:21 UTC 2015

Hi Thomas,

Was there anything wrong with the .deb I uploaded, or just the
source package?

On Sun, Jun 14, 2015 at 01:07:54AM +0200, Thomas Goirand wrote:
> Hi Clint,
> Thanks for taking care of the update of git-review.
> However, before you upload any other package within the PKG OpenStack
> group, could you please keep in mind the packaging guidelines which I
> have written here:
> http://openstack.alioth.debian.org/
> This means:
> - Keepig stuff like:
> UPSTREAM_GIT = git://github.com/openstack-infra/git-review.git
> include /usr/share/openstack-pkg-tools/pkgos.make
> in debian/rules
> so that we can update a package this way:
> ./debian/rules fetch-upstream-remote
> git merge -X theirs 1.25.0
> dch --newversion 1.25.0-1 -m "New upstream release"
> ./debian/rules gen-orig-xz
> Without the include, the "./debian/rules fetch-upstream-remote" and also
> "./debian/rules gen-orig-xz" have to be done by hand, which isn't
> convenient.
> Note that using upstream git tags is equivalent to using pristine-tar
> (it uses git archive to generate the tarball), though the nice thing is
> that it uses a single packaging branch. We currently only have a major
> defect with xz that doesn't produce always the same output (depending on
> the version of xz-utils). We just had a discussion with James Page about
> this, and maybe we will switch off xz compression for the orig.tar file
> because of this (to make it reproducible across versions and releases,
> for example Jessie and Trusty).
> I by the way wonder how you updated the debian/unstable branch of
> git-review (as there was no upstream tag in the repo for 1.25.0).
> Also, right now, it's impossible to build strait away since the
> orig.tar.gz doesn't contain an image of the upstream tag. There's no
> .gitreview file in the orig.tar.gz that you uploaded, and the setup.cfg
> isn't indented the same way, which creates a diff when trying to build.
> - Please make sure to use "wrap-and-sort -t -a" and not your custom
> wrapping.
> This is a standard that helps seeing the differences in debian/control
> in a more clear way using git diff. When there's so many
> (build-)dependencies, it becomes nearly impossible to manually sort by
> alpha order the dependencies, and we'd like to keep consistency across
> all of the git repository for OpenStack.
> - Also, you must keep in mind that we need:
> which works thanks to the above include, as that's how pbr works.
> Otherwise, the build might fail depending on the environment.
> Last thing, please join #debian-openstack-commits so that you see the
> results of automatic build on Jessie after a "git push". Please do not
> upload if the Jessie backport doesn't work.
> I have made these changes in the Git repo for git-review, and uploaded
> 1.25.0-2 to Sid. [Though as I told you above, since you didn't use the
> group's standard, I had to do tricks to be able to build and couldn't
> use git-buildpackage directly. Let's fix this on next upstream release]
> Cheers,
> Thomas Goirand (zigo)

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