[PKG-Openstack-devel] Please don't remove gbp.conf from openstack packaging repos

Jeremy Bicha jbicha at debian.org
Sun Nov 5 14:52:47 UTC 2017

On Sun, Nov 5, 2017 at 9:22 AM, Thomas Goirand <zigo at debian.org> wrote:
> No, I'm seriously complaining that Canonical people packaged both
> OpenStack Ocata and Pike on their own without contributing to Debian,
> and then complain about things they don't like on what we did.

Let me clarify. I am not a Canonical employee (at least not yet) and I
think the only contributing to OpenStack packaging I have done has
been to *sync* some of Debian's packaging to Ubuntu and filing some
Debian bugs (like this email thread) to try to *reduce* differences
between Debian and Ubuntu.

To be maybe more clear than necessary, this was where I first saw the diff:

I believe those packages only started popping up in Debian unstable
very recently and Ubuntu 18.04 development has also only opened a few
days ago so Corey has had very little time yet to try to propose
changes back to Debian.

I do think starting this thread is an example of me "contributing to
Debian" and I'm sorry that so far you don't feel the same.

Jeremy Bicha

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