[PKG-Openstack-devel] Bug#881578: Bug#881578: watcher: Wrong encoding in Portuguese debconf translation

Christian PERRIER bubulle at debian.org
Tue Nov 14 17:55:02 UTC 2017

Quoting Thomas Goirand (zigo at debian.org):
> On 11/13/2017 07:11 AM, Christian Perrier wrote:
> > Source: watcher
> > Severity: normal
> > Tags: l10n
> > 
> > The Portuguese translaiton of debconf messages sent in #876177 claims
> > to be UTF-8 encoded while it is indeed ISO-8859-1.
> > 
> > Please find attached to the report a fixed version of this file.
> Hi Christian,
> It's nice to see doing stuff for Debian again.

I'm still doing things...;-). Mostly D-I Irelated, though much much
less active nowadays. Also, maintaining a few sports-related
packages....and still monitoring some of the l10n infrastructure
tools. The latter is what made me discover this encoding problem.

> I'll fix this ASAP, however, it looks like there's a few other pt.po
> that were recently sent to the BTS that had the same issue. If you could
> identify them, it'd be great, and then just tell me the list, and I can
> convert them myself (using whatever you will suggest). IMO, no need for
> a bug report for it, I can simply push it to Git and to Debian.

Well, indeed, I haven't spotted any other such problem. For the
record, the problem ehre was spotted by one of the l10n scripts : the
one that builds a giant "compendium" of debconf translations for  each
language. Theoretically, any other such problem should be spotted by
this script and I haven't seen anything as of now.

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