[PKG-Openstack-devel] package versions

Ondrej Novy novy at ondrej.org
Wed Nov 15 10:55:26 UTC 2017


2017-11-15 10:33 GMT+01:00 Michal Arbet <michal.arbet at ultimum.io>:

> I think it is more clear to downgrade the Standards version and put into
> right repository stretch pool and change the version of a package for
> stretch backports if the package from OS Pike will be in buster.

no :). Standards-Version indicate, that package is in compliance with
Debian policy <version>. Nobody is lowering Standards-Version during
oficial backports, it's useless work.

What is "stretch pool"? You can't add anything to stretch stable, only

Best regards
 Ondřej Nový

Email: novy at ondrej.org
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