[PKG-Openstack-devel] Bug#895733: Bug#895733: python-msgpack: please update to 0.5.6

Thomas Goirand zigo at debian.org
Sun Apr 15 23:50:20 BST 2018

On 04/15/2018 06:55 PM, Gianfranco Costamagna wrote:
> Hello,
>> ./debian/rules fetch-upstream-remote
>> ./debian/rules gen-orig-xz
> I cloned, run the two commands, updated the changelog and uploaded in deferred/10, thanks!
> I don't know how to mix the upstream commits and the debian history, so for now I prefer
> to avoid sending a pr unless I find out how to import the new release.

You'd just "git merge -X theirs 0.5.6", edit the changelog, and then run

./debian/rules gen-orig-xz

to generate the new orig tarball based on the new upstream tag.

> I'm attaching the debian packaging and the upstream tarballs to this email!

Please do *NOT* upload using the upstream tarball. If you did, then
please dcut it.


Thomas Goirand (zigo)

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