[PKG-Openstack-devel] fixed build package python-oslo.db - missing testscenarions package

Michal Arbet michal.arbet at ultimum.io
Tue Jan 16 12:35:21 UTC 2018

Hi Guys,

I want just remind you that I fixed build-dependency in python-oslo.db >>


before build was failing on tests :

===> Running tests
set -e ; set -x ; for i in 2.7 3.5 ; do \
    PYMAJOR=`echo $i | cut -d'.' -f1` ; \
    echo "===> Testing with python$i (python$PYMAJOR)" ; \
    rm -rf .testrepository ; \
    testr-python$PYMAJOR init ; \
    TEMP_REZ=`mktemp -t` ; \
    PYTHONPATH=/build/python-oslo.db PYTHON=python$i testr-python$PYMAJOR
run --subunit 'tests\.(?!.*test_db_api_without_installed_eventlet.*)' | tee
$TEMP_REZ | subunit2pyunit ; \
    cat $TEMP_REZ | subunit-filter -s --no-passthrough | subunit-stats ; \
    rm -f $TEMP_REZ ; \
    testr-python$PYMAJOR slowest ; \
+ echo 2.7
+ cut -d. -f1
+ echo ===> Testing with python2.7 (python2)
===> Testing with python2.7 (python2)
+ rm -rf .testrepository
+ testr-python2 init
+ mktemp -t
+ TEMP_REZ=/tmp/tmp.JqRaTYYY88
+ PYTHONPATH=/build/python-oslo.db PYTHON=python2.7 testr-python2 run
--subunit tests\.(?!.*test_db_api_without_installed_eventlet.*)
+ tee /tmp/tmp.JqRaTYYY88
+ subunit2pyunit
runNon-zero exit code (2) from test listing.
${PYTHON:-python} -m subunit.run discover -t ./ ./oslo_db/tests --list
--- import errors ---
Failed to import test module: oslo_db.tests.sqlalchemy
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/unittest2/loader.py", line 490, in
    package = self._get_module_from_name(name)
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/unittest2/loader.py", line 395, in
  File "oslo_db/tests/sqlalchemy/__init__.py", line 16, in <module>
    from oslo_db.sqlalchemy import test_base
  File "oslo_db/sqlalchemy/test_base.py", line 35, in <module>
    from oslo_db.sqlalchemy.test_fixtures import
  File "oslo_db/sqlalchemy/test_fixtures.py", line 19, in <module>
    import testscenarios
ImportError: No module named testscenarios

Michal Arbet ( Kevin )
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