[Openstack-devel] OpenStackHowto - Removing confusing terms

Loic Dachary loic at enovance.com
Fri Mar 2 22:03:10 UTC 2012

On 03/02/2012 08:39 PM, Alexey Eromenko wrote:
>> You should keep in mind that this Howto is designed to disapear completly. All it contains should be implemented in the debian packages in the weeks to come. That does not mean it should not be improved ;-)
> No no.
> There is no reason to remove this guide.
> If you look, then you see that Debian provides guides for KVM, Xen,
> VirtualBox, OpenVZ and more...
> It let's people quick-start on a Debian platform.
> Just in future, this guide should target Debian Wheezy 7.0, rather
> than a moving target (such as "Sid").
There is no "howto" for apt-get install mysql-server
and there is no reason for apt-get install nova etc. to be more complex.

That's what I meant.

Loïc Dachary         Chief Research Officer
// eNovance labs   http://labs.enovance.com
// ✉ loic at enovance.com  ☎ +33 1 49 70 99 82

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