[Oval-devel] Use Python OVAL generator with Security Tracker

Pavel Vinogradov blaze at nixdev.net
Sat Jun 2 09:22:15 UTC 2007

2007/5/30, Javier Fernández-Sanguino Peña, wrote:

>Notice that DSAs sometimes contain information for 'unstable' but that is
>available in the .data section but in the .wml information (in unstructured
>text). I think it could be possible to complement the information in the
>with the Debian-testing Security Tracker to be able to generate datasets
>Sid but maybe that should be a separate tool....
  I need to implement two things there: Information retriever and
definitions generator.

  I plan to implement information retriever as oval.secTracker python module
and use them with existent oval.definition.generator

  It is good to code reuse and save parse-dsa-oval.py from grown complexity.

  But i not planed to work on it now. I have more important part to
implement - tests, objects and states generation.
Pavel Vinogradov
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