[Oval-devel] Project schedule update

Pavel Vinogradov blaze at nixdev.net
Mon Jun 25 06:36:28 UTC 2007

2007/6/22, Javier Fernández-Sanguino Peña <jfs at computer.org>:
> Great! Thanks for updating it this is going to help us much more
> in tracking how the project is going. A few comments, though:
> (Week #4)
> * Start experiments with dpkg library (read documentation and write code
> samples)
>     --> Shouldn't it be APT's library. Dpkg doesn't provide a library,
>         apt does. (the name should still be 'DPKGInfoProbe' however)

  Thanks. Yes, i have some confuse  with this. I remeber that we decide to
name class DPKGInfoProbe, therefore i start from dpkg-* packages. Now i see
on libapt-pkg packages, but all documentation about it dates 2003 year,
maybe exist some other place?

> (Week #7)
> * Implement downloading of OVAL definitions
>     -> Is this the download of OVAL definitions from Server to Agent
>        or the generation of new OVAL definitions by the Server?
>        (maybe based on the advisories through e-mail, RSS feed or so)
>        The server has to have some way to generate up to date definitions.
>        (the only easy way I see right now is by parsing the emails
>        sent to debian-security-announce)

  Then on this stage we can select two methods:
- download prepared OVAL definitions by http from some server
- generade our own local copy with help of parser from emails sented to
debian-security-announce and storage localy
  This is good?

Note that I said, it would be nice, if it's not possible to fit them in the
> timeframe for Gsoc they could well be things to do in the future.

  Yes, i create wiki page and global TODO file in repository for all kind of
such ideas. And if i have free time on end of the SOC i can start implement
something from list.
  And maybe after SOC, but now i can't promise anything.

Pavel Vinogradov
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