[Parted-edge] Re: [parted-devel] GNU Parted Official Repository: Changes to 'master'

Debarshi Ray debarshi.ray at gmail.com
Thu Jan 11 13:27:46 CET 2007

>  parted/parted.c |    2 ++
>  1 files changed, 2 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
> New commits:
> commit 9e05418de3477666b0709f5d1996149febd33100
> Author: Otavio Salvador <otavio at debian.org>
> Date:   Sat Dec 16 18:47:53 2006 -0200

This causes Parted to abort, after dumping the customary stack trace
and the command history. The reason this happens is that
ped_device_free_all also closes and destroys the device with which
Parted was invoked by the user. Therefore any subsequent command whose
do* counterpart needs PedDevice **dev causes a segmentation fault.
eg., print (do_print), check (do_check)

(parted) print
(parted) print devices
(parted) print

Just give the above commands to recreate the bug.

A way to fix this is to create a deep copy duplicate of PedDeice **dev
before doing ped_device_free_all. This would require a
ped_device_duplicate function (similar to ped_disk_duplicate) to be

What do you think?

>     parted/parted.c: Destroy all objects before return when called with --list or --all option.

In fact objects are destroyed only for:
(parted) print devices

It remains to be done for --list and 'print all'.

Happy hacking,
After the game the king and the pawn go into the same box.
                -- Italian proverb

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