r134 - branches/rewrite/src

Otavio Salvador partial-mirror-devel@lists.alioth.debian.org
Fri, 02 Jul 2004 09:20:10 -0600

Author: otavio
Date: Fri Jul  2 09:20:09 2004
New Revision: 134

Change from key to option to be more clear. Add a exception call too.

Modified: branches/rewrite/src/Config.py
--- branches/rewrite/src/Config.py	(original)
+++ branches/rewrite/src/Config.py	Fri Jul  2 09:20:09 2004
@@ -117,18 +117,18 @@
                         raise InvalidOption(section, item)
 		self[section][item] = value
-    def getOption(self, key, section='GLOBAL'):
+    def getOption(self, option, section='GLOBAL'):
 	# get a config value for a certain section.  if it's not
 	# specified, fall back to GLOBAL
-	if not self.has_key(section):
+	if not self.has_option(section):
 	    debug("no config section called [%s]." % (section))
 	    raise InvalidSection(section)
-	if self[section].has_key(key):
-	    return self[section][key]
-	if not self['GLOBAL'].has_key(key):
-	    debug("[%s] is not present in section [%s] or the global section of config file." % (key, section))
-	    exit(1)
-	return self['GLOBAL'][key]
+	if self[section].has_option(option):
+	    return self[section][option]
+	if not self['GLOBAL'].has_option(option):
+	    debug("[%s] is not present in section [%s] nor the global section of config file." % (option, section))
+	    raise InvalidOption(section, option)
+	return self['GLOBAL'][option]
     def dump(self):
         for section, options in self.items():