Alternative format for the configuration file
Otavio Salvador
Wed, 28 Jul 2004 09:57:55 -0300
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|| On Wed, 28 Jul 2004 08:33:24 -0400 (EDT)
|| "Nathaniel L. Budin" <> wrote:
nlb> On Wed, 28 Jul 2004, Free Ekanayaka wrote:
>> IMHO this further filtering is a confusing. I would move all the
>> filtering statements in the merge section, and use the remote backend
>> as unfiltered APT sources, that define the set of all the available
>> packages.
nlb> This would remove important features as well as rendering one of the
nlb> biggest use cases of this tool unusable: partial mirroring (hence the
nlb> name).
Sure. We can't remove this feature.
>> Let me add that in this case the configuration file is not a simple
>> flat list of variables, that defines paths, options, switches etc, but
>> it's rather similar to a tiny programming language, used to build up
>> your CDD using wide APT pools as raw bricks.
>> [rest of explanation snipped]
nlb> OK, Free, let me square with you. If you want me to sit down and throw
nlb> away the last 3 weeks or so of work on the new configuration format,
nlb> you're going to have to give me a better reason than "this other format is
nlb> prettier". The current (newly rewritten) config format isn't the best
nlb> possible one, I agree, but it's very flexible, very easy to read, and does
nlb> everything we need out of it.
nlb> If you were to show me a grave problem with the current format, then I'd
nlb> consider throwing it away and doing something different. As it is, I
nlb> don't see a good reason to rewrite this code. If YOU want to sit down and
nlb> rewrite it, rather than just telling me to do it, that's great, and that's
nlb> what Free Software is all about, and we'll talk about it when you've got
nlb> patches ready that pass the test suite. :-D
nlb> As it is, I'd rather get to work on the actual functionality of this
nlb> program, instead of quibbling about details of the (IMO, rather
nlb> superficial) config format it uses.
Folks, please calm down ;-)
Currently code is very modular end then which part does exactly what
this should do. Config module does it and does a good job.
I don't have problems with current configuration file format neither
with the proposed format. If you (Free) want try to code it, please,
go ahead and if this doesn't remove any needed feature this will be
accepted. I don't see any other way to deal with the tool need to
provide filters against backends in merge backend without use variable
options so if you solve this problem you can change the configuration
IMHO, we have more serious problems to deal like class layout and
finish a initial version of this tool. We need work together to give
all needed code ASAP and have a good tool to use.
If this is not perfect, no problem, we always can release a new
version changing what is need.
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