Alternative format for the configuration file

Otavio Salvador
Wed, 28 Jul 2004 13:37:29 -0300

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|| On Wed, 28 Jul 2004 17:00:10 +0200
|| Free Ekanayaka <> wrote: 

fe> Practically speaking what I'd do would simple be:

fe> 1) download the Packages.gz and Sources.gz file from whatever APT
fe>    repository I want to use

After it, the mirror of the backend with the needed packages is doen
and a pool for it is populated.

fe> 2) generate my custom Packages.gz and Source.gz according to the
fe>    rules (filters/include/exclude/resolv_dep_using) defined in 
fe>    the config file

fe> 3) populate the pool/ fetching the relevant packages, and possibly
fe>    deleting the old ones

No. This uses the previous packages of merged backends and populate
with hard-links it.

fe> I think  such  approach grants   you a  great degree   of freedom when
fe> filtering/merging repositories together.


We provide, currently:

You got all packges from sid and then, on merge, you use only

>>> Let me add that  in this case the  configuration file is not a  simple
>>> flat list of variables, that defines paths, options, switches etc, but
>>> it's rather similar  to a tiny programming language,  used to build up
>>> your CDD using wide APT pools as raw bricks. 
>>> [rest of explanation snipped]

NLB> OK, Free, let me square with you.  If you want me to sit down and throw 
NLB> away the last 3 weeks or so of work on the new configuration format, 
NLB> you're going to have to give me a better reason than "this other format is 
NLB> prettier".  The current (newly rewritten) config format isn't the best 
NLB> possible one, I agree, but it's very flexible, very easy to read, and does 
NLB> everything we need out of it.

NLB> If you were to show me a grave problem with the current format, then I'd 
NLB> consider throwing it away and doing something different.  As it is, I 
NLB> don't see a good reason to rewrite this code.  If YOU want to sit down and 
NLB> rewrite it, rather than just telling me to do it, that's great, and that's 
NLB> what Free Software is all about, and we'll talk about it when you've got 
NLB> patches ready that pass the test suite. :-D

NLB> As it is, I'd rather get to work on the actual functionality of this 
NLB> program, instead of quibbling about details of the (IMO, rather 
NLB> superficial) config format it uses.

fe> I perfectly understand your point, and I do agree with it. However if like
fe> the alternate format too, I can find some time to write the changes to the
fe> module myself.

I currently, doesn't found a good reason to do it now. I think we have
other more important things to do and this, if needed, can be done later.

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