Alternative format for the configuration file

Otavio Salvador
Wed, 28 Jul 2004 22:29:21 -0300

Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary="=-=-="


|| On Thu, 29 Jul 2004 03:21:54 +0200
|| Free Ekanayaka <> wrote: 

OS> You got all packges from sid and then, on merge, you use only
OS> base-packages.

fe> But this way  I have to  download (and  possibly  update) a  number of
fe> packages I'm not interested on.

fe> For example let's say that you'd like to have all the base system from
fe> sarge, except for  some  special packages for  which  I want  to  have
fe> bleeding-edge versions from sid (this is a typical scenario for me).

fe> What I want  to be able to do  is to have  those packages  and resolve
fe> their dependences using sarge packages wherever possible, and grabbing
fe> additional packages from sid only if necessary.

fe> Is this  possible with the current  schema? And, if yes,  do I have to
fe> download the  whole sid  base-system  even if  I'm interested  only on
fe> getting a few packages?

Yes. It's possible. You can use a filter for sarge directly and only
get the base system and another to sid to get only the needed packages.

OS> I currently, doesn't found a good reason to do it now. I think we have
OS> other more important things to do and this, if needed, can be done later.

fe> Yes, that's true. Let's concentrate on other implementation issues.

Good. So, we continue the layout change (of classes)

        O T A V I O    S A L V A D O R
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