Alternative format for the configuration file

Nat Budin
Wed, 28 Jul 2004 21:31:10 -0400

Free Ekanayaka wrote:

>For example let's say that you'd like to have all the base system from
>sarge, except for  some  special packages for  which  I want  to  have
>bleeding-edge versions from sid (this is a typical scenario for me).
>What I want  to be able to do  is to have  those packages  and resolve
>their dependences using sarge packages wherever possible, and grabbing
>additional packages from sid only if necessary.
>Is this  possible with the current  schema? And, if yes,  do I have to
>download the  whole sid  base-system  even if  I'm interested  only on
>getting a few packages?
Yes, it's possible, and no, you don't have to download the whole sid 
base system.

Basically, here's what you'd do:

1) Create a mirror backend called sargebase.  This uses the "filter" 
property to grab only the base system and specifically exclude the 
packages you want to grab from sid.

2) Create a mirror backend called bleedingedge.  This uses sid as a 
source, and uses the "filter" property to grab those specific packages 
you want bleeding-edge versions of.

3) Create a merge backend, which combines the two.  This is the backend 
you'd actually set apt to download from.
