[Pbuilder-maint] Bug#332737: cross-arch support for pbuilder; AMD64 and x86

Junichi Uekawa dancer at netfort.gr.jp
Sat Oct 8 08:57:16 UTC 2005

Package: pbuilder
Version: 0.135

Apparently, it's possible to get a pbuilder chroot for x86 on
an amd64 box with the following command line (thanks to Mithrandir)

	pbuilder create --distribution sid --debootstrapopts "--arch=i386" --basetgz /var/cache/pbuilder/base-i386.tgz --mirror http://ftp.jp.debian.org/debian

This is actually enough to bootstrap a i386 chroot.
On building a package, there is one extra work to do.
uname will give architecture string for amd64 (x86_64)
instead of i386. The tool for changing 'personality'
in amd64 is 'linux32'.
sbuild invokes linux32 before dpkg-buildpackge.
(thanks to neuro)

The missing piece for pbuilder amd64->i386 cross build 
support is 

1. documentation on the procedure
2. support for linux32
3. regression testsuite to test that
  a. bootstrap is functional
  b. build is getting uname -a with correct values
  c. package gets built

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