[Pbuilder-maint] How I make backports

Thomas Petazzoni thomas.petazzoni at enix.org
Mon Oct 24 11:41:25 UTC 2005


Junichi Uekawa wrote:

> Thanks for your report.

You're welcome. Since my mail, I've simplified a bit the process, and
the svn-pbuild script automagically take backport into account, applying
a backport dpatch if necessary.

> It would be really nice if things start working out-of-the-box,
> or if not, more people set up such environment and things get
> easier to work with.

Maybe to begin, some of these scripts and a small text file
documentation can be included in the pbuilder package ? Or somewhere on
the pbuilder website ?

> Nowadays, since Ubuntu is becoming more popular
> we will be facing a situation where we need to maintain more
> forks... 

Yep, true. By the way, do you know when the breezy debootstrap script
will be available ?


Thomas Petazzoni
thomas.petazzoni at enix.org

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