[Pbuilder-maint] Using pbuilder in a Web frontend

Jose Parrella joseparrella at cantv.net
Fri Apr 21 11:13:12 UTC 2006


A few weeks ago, David Moreno Garza (damog at d.o) started to develop an 
idea for a Web-based pbuilder/linda/lintian interface. We were excited 
with the idea, and we shortly developed a working application, which we 
called PUBuilder.

In this application, the Developer (or Maintainer, Co-Maintainer, 
non-Debian Packager, or Volunteer) provides a remote URI corresponding 
to a DSC file. PUBuilder (written in Perl and working in both Apache2 
and Cherokee) gets and checks the packages, and provides the user with a 
ticket number, based in the epoch of the time of the request. The user 
can come back later with the ticket number to check the results [4] of 
the process, which runs: pbuilder over the DSC file, in a Sid chroot; 
linda and lintian over the DSC file and piuparts over the DEB package.

You can see some screenshots here [1] and here [2], and if you're 
spanish-speaking, this [3] will give you more information. You'll wonder 
why there's no website to test the application. That's exactly the topic 
for this mail: I've seen several ways of getting pbuilder to run as 
non-root, and I would like to publicly discuss the best way to do that.

This way, more sysadmins could be convinced to run PUBuilder (and the 
whole Web-based frontend for Debian applications I'm trying to develop) 
in their servers. Someone mentioned in a list that "pbuilder does in 
fact run with fakeroot", but I've tried it unsuccesfully.

The only weird idea that succeeded in a test was running `fakeroot 
<pbuilder path>`, and pbuilder with SGID permissions. This was a 
desperate attempt, and it seems to work despite it keeps giving me 
authentication problems [5] for package inside the chroot (this was a 
Sarge system, I had to made a Sarge chroot and upgrade it to Sid later; 
I followed the original indications by Anibal to upgrade the chroot and 
the Jordi Mallach indications in debian-gtk-gnome) then, pbuilder stops.

I've also heard about pbuilder in User Mode Linux, and I'd like to 
discuss more in that topic. So basically, there are three options I've 

1) Running with plain fakeroot (didn't work, mknod problems)
2) Running with sudo and SGID (pbuilder fails because of APT problem 
inside the chroot, see [5])
3) Running pbuilder-uml
4) Web-server side measures, like chrooting and mod_securitying

I'm looking forward to hear all your suggestions. Thank you very much 
for your time and patience,


[1] http://deposito.bureado.com.ve/pubuilder-2.png
[2] http://deposito.bureado.com.ve/pubuilder-3.png
[3] http://blog.bureado.com.ve/?p=307
[4] http://g33k.com.ve/~jose/pubuilder/sample-log.txt
[5] http://g33k.com.ve/~jose/pubuilder/failed-log.txt

José Parrella > en Debian Etch con Kernel
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