[Pbuilder-maint] Re: A bit of experience after having updated some packages to use pbuilder-test testsuite engine.

Junichi Uekawa dancer at netfort.gr.jp
Tue Jan 24 13:10:38 UTC 2006


> > [Junichi Uekawa]
> > > 3. support for X. Some of my packages are command-line console tools,
> > >    but many are actually graphical apps. It would be a plus to have
> > >    some kind of interactive/noninteractive X-based testing.
> > 
> > Would xnee do the trick?
> Actually, I wasn't aware of xnee.
> Does anyone have experience with using it?  stability/repeatability of
> test is important if it were to be automated.

I've checked out xnee, I've noticed that the info documentation was
not properly installed, and provided a patch. Looked over the BTS,
tried running, found the same error as bug 315736.

My conclusion so far: completely unusable.

dancer@{debian.org,netfort.gr.jp}   Debian Project

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