Bug#363193: [Pbuilder-maint] Bug#363193: pbuilder-satisfydepends does not support new style architecture specifications

Junichi Uekawa dancer at netfort.gr.jp
Fri May 12 23:18:51 UTC 2006


> > If it's a feature added in that version, it's probably not for
> > general consumption before etch release.
> I'm hoping that we can get full support for it before etch, so that we 
> can get rid of various clumsy workarounds like type-handling and 
> auto-updating control files.  The stuff is already starting to be in 
> use, but if you choose to use it, you can't use pbuilder anymore, which 
> is a shame.
> > So, how do I expand the wildcards ?
> Steal the code from dpkg-checkbuilddeps and /usr/lib/dpkg/controllib.pl, 
> respectively.

pbuilder is in shell, not perl, so it is more convenient if there's
something outside that.

dancer@{debian.org,netfort.gr.jp}   Debian Project

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