Bug#363193: [Pbuilder-maint] Bug#363193: pbuilder-satisfydepends does not support new style architecture specifications

Junichi Uekawa dancer at netfort.gr.jp
Mon May 15 00:41:06 UTC 2006

At Mon, 15 May 2006 03:08:31 +0900,
Junichi Uekawa wrote:
> Hi,
> Have you actually tested this patch?
> ARCH is the current running architecture, which won't be linux-any etc.
> regards,
> 	junichi

[09:36:45]ibookg4:tmp> /usr/lib/pbuilder/pbuilder-satisfydepends --echo
 -> Attempting to parse the build-deps : pbuilder-satisfydepends,v 1.24 2006/03/31 00:14:31 dancer Exp $
 -> Considering  libasound2 [linux-any]
   -> This package is not for this architecture
 -> Installing
apt-get -y --force-yes install
 -> Finished parsing the build-deps
[09:36:50]ibookg4:tmp> /usr/lib/pbuilder/pbuilder-satisfydepends --echo
 -> Attempting to parse the build-deps : pbuilder-satisfydepends,v 1.25 2006/05/14 18:32:32 dancer Exp $
 -> Considering  libasound2 [linux-any]
   -> Trying libasound2
 -> Installing  libasound2
apt-get -y --force-yes install libasound2
 -> Finished parsing the build-deps

tested locally, it seems to be functioning fine, cool.


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