Bug#453710: [Pbuilder-maint] Bug#453710: [patch] kill the build if the memory/disk is low

Junichi Uekawa dancer at netfort.gr.jp
Wed Dec 26 11:14:16 UTC 2007


> we need a feature to kill the build if the free disk (or memory) space is running low.
> I am attaching a preliminary patch, that implements this feature, it applies cleanly
> against the pbuilder in unstable (and also against the git version).
> Documentation needs to be written, but before I do so, I wanted to check if 
> you'd accept such a patch at all. What do you think about it?
> If you like it, I'll polish it some more, include documentation and send a new patch.
> If you don't like it - what is the right way to get this feature in pbuilder?

I have a few questions.

Does this patch work?  Will it leave some processes around?

I am a bit worried that using ulimit and filesystem quota might
satisfy the requirements more easily and be much simpler to implement.

dancer@{debian.org,netfort.gr.jp}   Debian Project

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