[Pbuilder-maint] pbuilder git tree: Changes to 'master'

Junichi Uekawa dancer at alioth.debian.org
Sun May 27 04:18:40 UTC 2007

 ChangeLog                                                        |   18 
 debian/changelog                                                 |   10 
 pbuilder                                                         |   18 
 pbuilder-buildpackage                                            |   12 
 pbuilder-buildpackage-funcs                                      |    2 
 pbuilder-createbuildenv                                          |    2 
 pbuilder-updatebuildenv                                          |    2 
 pbuilder-user-mode-linux                                         |    2 
 pdebuild                                                         |    7 
 pdebuild-checkparams                                             |    3 
 pdebuild.1                                                       |    6 
 testsuite/cdebootstrap/pbuilder-build-dsh-etch.log               |   32 
 testsuite/cdebootstrap/pbuilder-build-dsh-lenny.log              |   31 
 testsuite/cdebootstrap/pbuilder-build-dsh-sid.log                |   77 +-
 testsuite/cdebootstrap/pbuilder-create-etch.log                  |   18 
 testsuite/cdebootstrap/pbuilder-create-lenny.log                 |   28 
 testsuite/cdebootstrap/pbuilder-create-sid.log                   |  241 +++----
 testsuite/cdebootstrap/pbuilder-execute-etch.log                 |    4 
 testsuite/cdebootstrap/pbuilder-execute-lenny.log                |    4 
 testsuite/cdebootstrap/pbuilder-execute-sid.log                  |    4 
 testsuite/cdebootstrap/pbuilder-update-etch-sid-experimental.log |    2 
 testsuite/cdebootstrap/pbuilder-update-etch-sid.log              |  340 ++++++----
 testsuite/cdebootstrap/pdebuild-internal-etch.log                |  148 ++--
 testsuite/cdebootstrap/pdebuild-internal-lenny.log               |  148 ++--
 testsuite/cdebootstrap/pdebuild-internal-sid.log                 |  172 ++---
 testsuite/cdebootstrap/pdebuild-normal-etch.log                  |   30 
 testsuite/cdebootstrap/pdebuild-normal-lenny.log                 |   32 
 testsuite/cdebootstrap/pdebuild-normal-sid.log                   |   52 -
 testsuite/normal/pbuilder-build-dsh-etch.log                     |   34 -
 testsuite/normal/pbuilder-build-dsh-lenny.log                    |   34 -
 testsuite/normal/pbuilder-build-dsh-sid.log                      |   62 +
 testsuite/normal/pbuilder-create-etch.log                        |   12 
 testsuite/normal/pbuilder-create-lenny.log                       |   12 
 testsuite/normal/pbuilder-create-sid.log                         |   69 +-
 testsuite/normal/pbuilder-execute-etch.log                       |    4 
 testsuite/normal/pbuilder-execute-lenny.log                      |    4 
 testsuite/normal/pbuilder-execute-sid.log                        |    4 
 testsuite/normal/pbuilder-update-etch-sid-experimental.log       |    2 
 testsuite/normal/pbuilder-update-etch-sid.log                    |  340 ++++++----
 testsuite/normal/pdebuild-internal-etch.log                      |  148 ++--
 testsuite/normal/pdebuild-internal-lenny.log                     |  147 ++--
 testsuite/normal/pdebuild-internal-sid.log                       |  171 ++---
 testsuite/normal/pdebuild-normal-etch.log                        |   34 -
 testsuite/normal/pdebuild-normal-lenny.log                       |   30 
 testsuite/normal/pdebuild-normal-sid.log                         |   50 -
 testsuite/run-test-cdebootstrap.log                              |   10 
 testsuite/run-test.log                                           |   10 
 testsuite/run-test.sh                                            |   42 -
 48 files changed, 1445 insertions(+), 1219 deletions(-)

New commits:
commit 9d94da70bdec6aac1bcc9747e746f8afabbb962c
Author: Junichi Uekawa <dancer at dancer64.netfort.gr.jp>
Date:   Sun May 27 13:17:25 2007 +0900

    424717: improved log file support: pdebuild will create a log file per default

commit 9b3c5e1f2116569d9e4ec8e7dcf00ed624873ae7
Author: Junichi Uekawa <dancer at dancer64.netfort.gr.jp>
Date:   Sun May 27 11:57:24 2007 +0900

    reorganize test build log, use sed to remove always-changing factors to reduce cruft

commit 26a31b0fbc0cd85c73abf7997e6917f300d364cf
Author: Junichi Uekawa <dancer at dancer64.netfort.gr.jp>
Date:   Sun May 27 10:58:46 2007 +0900

    process test logs to reduce diff

commit e2306695ac29ebfdf6a701f4b955d8b3361c8138
Author: Junichi Uekawa <dancer at dancer64.netfort.gr.jp>
Date:   Sun May 27 02:55:18 2007 +0900

    fix whitespace

commit e9216547244c20f771ac81fcf74257e2df8371ef
Author: Junichi Uekawa <dancer at dancer64.netfort.gr.jp>
Date:   Sun May 27 02:54:59 2007 +0900

    trap SIGHUP as well as EXIT.

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