[Pbuilder-maint] pbuilder git tree: Changes to 'refs/tags/debian/0.166'

Junichi Uekawa dancer at alioth.debian.org
Mon May 28 13:55:57 UTC 2007

Tag 'debian/0.166' created by Junichi Uekawa <dancer at dancer64.netfort.gr.jp> at 2007-04-17 00:06 +0000

Debian release 0.166

Changes since 0.165:
Junichi Uekawa (19):
      0.166 start
      testsuite update
      391915: re-fix the applied patch, etc/$a inside buildplace was unconditionally removed.
      416920: Bug fix: "pbuilder-uml: --uml-ip broken"
      409135: SEE ALSO fix.
      merge changelog
      install pbuilder-satisfydepends-funcs
      install pbuilder-satisfydepends-checkparams
      test update
      add lenny to testsuite
      minor documentation update for etch release
      remove output of $Id$
      update test result
      do not build pbuilder-uml for amd64
      --debbuildopts --debootstrapopts documentation clarification
      B92test-pkg clarification
      test update
      add lenny tests for upgrade testing
      remove amd64 from debian/rules

Loïc Minier (18):
      * Initial pbuilder-satisfydepends-aptitude implementation; probably breaks for
      * Move functions used in pbuilder-satisfydepends* into
      * Move command-line parsing logic used in pbuilder-satisfydepends* into
      * Drop expand_arch() as it's currently useless; it can be resurrected later.
      * Misc cleanups in checkbuilddep_archdeps().
      * More cleanups in RE and grep invocations.
      * Rework regular expressions in checkbuilddep_archdeps() to strip the []
      * Add function get_control_re() to pbuilder-satisfydepends-funcs to extract the
      * Add missing pbuilder-satisfydepends-checkparams file.
      * Make use of get_control_re() in pbuilder-satisfydepends and
      * Misc cleanups.
      * Install pbuilder-satisfydepends-aptitude.
      * Document pbuilder-satisfydepends-aptitude.
      * Update changelogs.
      Merge branch 'satisfydepends-aptitude'
      * Set pbuilder-satisfydepends +x to match the other scripts.
      * pbuilder-satisfydepends-aptitude: check whether the dummy dependencies
      * Merge branch 'master' of ssh://git.debian.org/git/pbuilder/pbuilder

 AUTHORS                                                          |    1 
 ChangeLog                                                        |   67 
 Documentation/pbuilder-doc.xml                                   |   47 
 Makefile                                                         |    6 
 README                                                           |    1 
 debian/changelog                                                 |   19 
 debian/control                                                   |    2 
 debian/rules                                                     |   14 
 debuild-pbuilder.1                                               |    2 
 examples/B92test-pkg                                             |    8 
 pbuilder-buildpackage                                            |    2 
 pbuilder-buildpackage-funcs                                      |    2 
 pbuilder-modules                                                 |    7 
 pbuilder-satisfydepends                                          |  204 -
 pbuilder-satisfydepends-aptitude                                 |  118 
 pbuilder-satisfydepends-checkparams                              |   74 
 pbuilder-satisfydepends-experimental                             |  250 -
 pbuilder-satisfydepends-funcs                                    |  154 +
 pbuilder-uml.conf.5                                              |    8 
 pbuilder-user-mode-linux                                         |    2 
 pbuilder-user-mode-linux.1                                       |   14 
 pbuilder.8                                                       |   21 
 pbuilderrc                                                       |   13 
 pbuilderrc.5                                                     |   16 
 pdebuild-internal                                                |    2 
 pdebuild-user-mode-linux.1                                       |    6 
 pdebuild.1                                                       |    6 
 testsuite/cdebootstrap/pbuilder-build-dsh-etch.log               |   54 
 testsuite/cdebootstrap/pbuilder-build-dsh-lenny.log              |  612 ++++
 testsuite/cdebootstrap/pbuilder-build-dsh-sid.log                |   67 
 testsuite/cdebootstrap/pbuilder-create-etch.log                  |   26 
 testsuite/cdebootstrap/pbuilder-create-lenny.log                 | 1485 ++++++++++
 testsuite/cdebootstrap/pbuilder-create-sid.log                   |  145 
 testsuite/cdebootstrap/pbuilder-execute-etch.log                 |    4 
 testsuite/cdebootstrap/pbuilder-execute-lenny.log                |   13 
 testsuite/cdebootstrap/pbuilder-execute-sid.log                  |    4 
 testsuite/cdebootstrap/pbuilder-update-etch-sid-experimental.log |  122 
 testsuite/cdebootstrap/pbuilder-update-etch-sid.log              |  207 -
 testsuite/cdebootstrap/pdebuild-internal-etch.log                |  164 -
 testsuite/cdebootstrap/pdebuild-internal-lenny.log               |  606 ++++
 testsuite/cdebootstrap/pdebuild-internal-sid.log                 |  209 -
 testsuite/cdebootstrap/pdebuild-normal-etch.log                  |   50 
 testsuite/cdebootstrap/pdebuild-normal-lenny.log                 |  642 ++++
 testsuite/cdebootstrap/pdebuild-normal-sid.log                   |   67 
 testsuite/normal/pbuilder-build-dsh-etch.log                     |   46 
 testsuite/normal/pbuilder-build-dsh-lenny.log                    |  612 ++++
 testsuite/normal/pbuilder-build-dsh-sid.log                      |   70 
 testsuite/normal/pbuilder-create-etch.log                        |   17 
 testsuite/normal/pbuilder-create-lenny.log                       |  709 ++++
 testsuite/normal/pbuilder-create-sid.log                         |   33 
 testsuite/normal/pbuilder-execute-etch.log                       |    4 
 testsuite/normal/pbuilder-execute-lenny.log                      |   13 
 testsuite/normal/pbuilder-execute-sid.log                        |    4 
 testsuite/normal/pbuilder-update-etch-sid-experimental.log       |  122 
 testsuite/normal/pbuilder-update-etch-sid.log                    |  204 -
 testsuite/normal/pdebuild-internal-etch.log                      |  161 -
 testsuite/normal/pdebuild-internal-lenny.log                     |  605 ++++
 testsuite/normal/pdebuild-internal-sid.log                       |  212 -
 testsuite/normal/pdebuild-normal-etch.log                        |   49 
 testsuite/normal/pdebuild-normal-lenny.log                       |  641 ++++
 testsuite/normal/pdebuild-normal-sid.log                         |   69 
 testsuite/run-test-cdebootstrap.log                              |    4 
 testsuite/run-test.log                                           |    4 
 testsuite/run-test.sh                                            |   16 
 64 files changed, 7637 insertions(+), 1501 deletions(-)

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