Bug#333294: [Pbuilder-maint] Bug#333294: Info received (A patch for the default mirror)

Eddy Petrișor eddy.petrisor at gmail.com
Wed Mar 26 09:15:37 UTC 2008

Junichi Uekawa wrote:
> Hi,
>>>> If the top line is 'deb file:///', debootstrap will break. I assume
>>>> the only reasonable ones are http://, https://(hmm... would it work
>>>> with base system?), and ftp://.
>>> You assume right. The odd thing is that I remember filtering in only 
>>> http and ftp, but I don't see how I managed to loose that change. Will 
>>> reimplement it.
>> Done.
>> http://git.debian.org/?p=users/eddyp-guest/pbuilder.git;a=commitdiff;h=9a90f803771a7a5ae498c642002333156b186fef
> I was thinking over this code this weekend, and I am worried about this one case:
> 1. user install pbuilder, lets pbuilder overwrite the config
> 2. user finds that auto-detected value doesn't work (it didn't have the right arch, etc.)
>  and modifies /etc/pbuilderrc
> 3. user upgrades pbuilder
> I have a gut feeling that pbuilder won't ask if it should overwrite
> the config file in 3, and the user is going to end up with a broken
> config.
> What do you think?

No, by default, an existing pbuilderrc generates "don't overwrite config" behaviour.

If the user fixes the pbuilderrc file, on upgrade his modification will be preserved.

"Imagination is more important than knowledge" A.Einstein

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