Bug#505695: pbuilder keeps silent when it fails copying files to --buildresult

Margarita Manterola margamanterola at gmail.com
Tue Apr 28 14:49:40 UTC 2009

On Fri, Nov 14, 2008 at 10:21 AM, Nicolas Chauvat
<nicolas.chauvat at logilab.fr> wrote:

> I happen to have my --buildresult directory in ~/dist with /home NFS-mounted with rootsquash. On the host on which I build the package root cannot write to my home directory. It took me some time to realize that 'sudo pbuilder' had not the permission to write there because /usr/lib/pbuilder/pbuilder-buildpackage reads:
>  cp -p "${BUILDPLACE}"/tmp/buildd/* "${BUILDRESULT}" 2>/dev/null || true
> I have no idea why "|| true" was deemed a good idea, but I suggest to fix the above issue by
> removing it, since it will print out a message when cp fails.

I experienced this same problem today, after having changed my NFS
setup, I wasn't able to build packages, but pbuilder didn't show any
errors while generating the files, which was very puzzling.  Only
after seeing this bug did I realize that the change in the NFS setup
was the problem.

Please, at least include some error message, so that it's easier to
figure out what's going on.



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