Bug#520937: pbuilder --execute fails in a i386 builder on a amd64 host started from a 64bit shell

Andreas Beckmann debian at abeckmann.de
Tue Mar 24 14:26:46 UTC 2009


Junichi Uekawa wrote:
>        pbuilder --execute [options] -- script [script options]
> pbuilder execute takes a script, /bin/echo isn't a script.
> .... hmmm, it might be that documentation is wrong.

The manpage is quite clear in the
local-script-is-copied-into-the-builder respect, but I looked at
pbuilder --help instead:

    pbuilder --login
    pbuilder --execute -- [command] [command-options]
      Logs in to the build environment and execute command.

And, well, a command is something residing in the builder (imho).

> Could you try without the '--'?
> sudo pbuilder execute --basetgz /tmp/base-sid-i386.tgz \
>   /bin/echo hello world
> (and something other than /bin/echo)

Actually using a "script" or a 32bit binary works fine, -- does not
matter, the problem is that the i386-builder can't execute a 64bit
program (because libraries are missing), but the error message is more
than unclear. E.g. this does work:
sudo pbuilder execute --basetgz /tmp/base-sid-i386.tgz -- \
    /chroot/sid-i386/bin/echo hello world
something I would have (until yesterday) expected to fail because that
path does not exist in the pbuilder.


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