Let pdebuild update build ev
Werner Mahr
werner at vollstreckernet.de
Mon Sep 24 07:05:47 UTC 2012
Junichi Uekawa wrote:
> At Wed, 12 Sep 2012 05:46:35 +0200,
> Werner Mahr wrote:
>> Am Dienstag, 11. September 2012, 10:49:25 schrieben Sie:
>> > hmm.. I don't see this is useful ?
>> In my situtation it is usefull. I have stable, testing, natty and oneiric
>> machines for amd64 and i386. I could use hooks to update them when they
>> get used, but in that way the update wouldn't be saved (in qemubuilder
>> the items wouldn't even be cached). If I update them in a row, I can use
>> the caching of my proxy to save some time, but then I would have to find
>> out in my script if I would have to call qemubuilder or pbuilder.
>> Otoh when I build from cmdline, I don't need to update everytime when I
>> build something, so I have a command to call only one command and I'm
>> done, instead of going everytime trough an update, which would be the
>> case with a hook (I'm not sure if there is a cmdlineoption to let the
>> builder do it everytime it is called, but erverytime is to often).
>> I have an i386 machine, so at least in qemubuilder I really like to save
>> every command I can save, as it's much slower than a real machine.
> Personally I use a wrapper script that does the following (update the
> chroot if it's older than 1 day), you probably want something in the
> line. apt-get update etc are slow so you'll probably want to avoid
> running it every time.
>[script cut]
[Resent to here for completeness]
Yeah, a script for that could be usefull if you want to update them all. In
case I have a script that build's new svn revisions of amule, when they
appear. If I would use something like your wrapper, I would either have to
it from a cronjob, or would have to run it in the script right. If run in a
cronjob, I update stuff that's not used for sometimes 2 weeks or more. If
in the script, I could run the snippet right before the build, so at least 4
machines get updated when one is startetd, or I could run it a the beginning
of the script, which could mean that the last machine is started after the
archives have been updated again. In started this update mechanism, because
got build failures from uninstallable deps. They just have been updated and
the old version hasn't been found for downloading.
With a wrapper script I would have to find out the correct baseimgae and
only this one, plus I have to find out which system to use, as the i386
are done with pbuilder. This are all informations pdebuild already has, but
doesn't tell me, so in sum I would duplicate the functions of pdebuild in a
wrapper where I could just use these functions. And from a logical point of
view: I installed pdebuild to just call one command for building different
packages on different arches and distros, and I don't need to implement any
decisions which program to use. If I would have to implement this functions
for the update of the base-images, I could just use the result of this
decisions and call the different programs directly, which would render
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