Invitation: Invitation for partnership,

Dr.Mark Dolfo dr.mark_dolfo at
Fri Nov 29 10:54:13 UTC 2013


dr.mark_dolfo at has sent an invitation:

Invitation for partnership,

Friday, November 29, 2013 10:30a - 11:30a (GMT+00:00)

Invitation for partnership,

I am financial broker and intermediary. The investor l have on my list are interested on a JV equity investment or a direct private bridge financing on form of a long term loan provided the interest rate can meet up to 1.5% ROI annually.

The investors I have can fund to the tune of $ 100 Million USD at maximum. They are equally willing to move the funding as quickly as possible. Kindly provide me with full business details for further discussions. Once I receive the full business plan, I will in return provide the investors loan term sheet for your review. Do you have a number I can reach you with?
I wait your response.

Dr.Mark Harry
Managing Member
Draper Investment Company
Investment Committee
Dreikönigstrasse 31a
Zürich , Switzerland

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