Bug#753944: pbuilder: USENETWORK=no breaks package builds

Thorsten Glaser tg at mirbsd.de
Wed Jul 9 12:00:26 UTC 2014

gregor herrmann dixit:

>That doesn't match my understanding and experience. AFAIK, there is
>no internet access (available|allowed) but connections to localhost
>are fine.

Hm, maybe something like, enabling lo0 in the chroot before
running the build itself – could that work?

Not really…

/var/cache/pbuilder/base.cow-squeeze/{,usr/}*bin/{ifconfig,ip} do not
exist. Are there any other tools that could be used for this? (squeeze
being the first version with “unshare -n”, AFAICT.)

In case of doubt, just build those packages with USENETWORK=yes…
at least for now.

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