Bug#753944: pbuilder: USENETWORK=no breaks package builds

Thorsten Glaser tg at mirbsd.de
Sun Jul 13 18:21:30 UTC 2014

Salvatore Bonaccorso dixit:

>Unfortunately there seem to still be problems. I noticed it with
>rebuilding libio-socket-ip-perl. With sbuild, similar to buildds it
>succeeds, suceeds also with pbuilder 0.215 but fails with 0.215+nmu3.

Hm, weird. It says it cannot listen with IPv6… but in my tests,
the loopback interface got [::1] assigned just fine… so this
would work unless it tries to listen on the external address
of the host (e.g. from the outside-of-the-chroot’s /etc/hosts).

Do we need /etc/hosts-whitening for the no network case?
(Put only and ::1 there, is what I mean.)

Or does this come from elsewhere? No idea from a first glance.
I’ll look at it too, but I’d appreciate input from knowing
people as well.

<theftf> Ich gebs zu, jupp ist cool
	-- theftf zu Natureshadow beim Fixen von Debian

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