Bug#778334: A hook not executed for no obvious reason

Thorsten Glaser tg at mirbsd.de
Fri Feb 13 21:31:58 UTC 2015

Eduard Bloch dixit:

>So, what's wrong, where is my shell?

It’s executed, but you don’t get an interactive shell
from an “A” hook.

For binNMU’ing, I use this:

tg at blau:~ $ cat /usr/src/contrib/hosted/tg/deb/hookdir/A50wait
# $MirOS: contrib/hosted/tg/deb/hookdir/A50wait,v 1.3 2011/12/15 21:06:42 tg Exp $
# Not complicated enough for copyright.
# This is actually POSIX sh compliant, except many do not do arithmetics.

while [ -e /waiting ]; do
        if [ $i = 0 ]; then
                ls -l /waiting
                echo -n 'Waiting '
        if [ $((i%5)) = 0 ]; then
                echo -n .
        sleep 2
echo Continuing.
exit 0

Then I just do this, as root or pbuilder, in another term:

$ cd /var/cache/pbuilder/build/*/tmp/buildd/*/
$ dch --bin-nmu

The bad part here is that the copy-on-write from cowbuilder
is obviously not in effect here. But for binNMUing, it does
not matter, and I haven’t seen anything other that needs an
“A” hook, you can do the rest with --login or a “B” hook.

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mksh auf jedem System zu installieren.“
	-- XTaran auf der OpenRheinRuhr, ganz begeistert
(EN: “[…]uhr.gz is a reason to install mksh on every system.”)

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