Bug#780587: tried several things today, no luck

Thorsten Glaser tg at mirbsd.de
Sat Mar 28 20:05:30 UTC 2015

retitle 780587 pbuilder: unset http_proxy during actual package build when USENETWORK=no
severity 780587 minor

Holger Levsen dixit:

>What seems to work however, is to set http_proxy in pbuilderrc (or via
>the environment) but instead use /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/bla to configure a
>proxy for apt and leave http_proxy unset in pbuilderrc. doh.

That is a better idea, obviously ;-)

>I'm really puzzled that this A-hook doesnt work though. I think this is a
>bug in pbuilder, reassigning.

No, it’s not, hooks don’t work like this. But the USENETWORK=no case
should probably unset the relevant environment variables anyway.

>> Why don't you use JavaScript? I also don't like enabling JavaScript in
> Because I use lynx as browser.
	-- Octavio Alvarez, me and ⡍⠁⠗⠊⠕ (Mario Lang) on debian-devel

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