Bug#777537: pbuilder should copy only files listed in .changes build

Mattia Rizzolo mattia at mapreri.org
Fri Oct 2 19:33:14 UTC 2015

control: retitle -1 pbuilder should copy only files listed in .changes
control: severity -1 wishlist

On Mon, Feb 09, 2015 at 03:00:50PM +0100, Holger Levsen wrote:
> debian-faq is among the very few packages (*) which leave build artifacts in 
> /var/cache/pbuilder/result after bulding the package with pbuilder.
> from
> https://jenkins.debian.net/view/reproducible/job/reproducible_maintainance/148/console
> ----
> Warning: old files or directories found in /var/cache/pbuilder/result/
> -rw-r--r-- 1 jenkins jenkins 255253 Oct 15 20:43 /var/cache/pbuilder/result/debian-faq.ps.gz
> -rw-r--r-- 1 jenkins jenkins 312712 Oct 15 20:43 /var/cache/pbuilder/result/debian-faq.pdf.gz
> -rw-r--r-- 1 jenkins jenkins 61224 Oct 15 20:43 /var/cache/pbuilder/result/debian-faq.txt.gz
> Please cleanup manually.
> ----
> So as you can see those are not the source or binary packages which I'm talking
> about - and which should be there.
> I even don't understand how this is possible at all.

So, pbuilder behaves in a really dumb way:

    for FILE in "${BUILDPLACE}$BUILDDIR"/*; do
        if [ -f "${FILE}" ]; then
            cp -p "${FILE}" "${BUILDRESULT}" || true

I agree this is somewhat far from what a person usually expects, even if
it usually does the right thing™ because usually there is not so much
stuff in the BUILDDIR but the build results.

Getting a file list out of .changes implies parsing the .changes file,
and I'm sad at using the embedded pbuilder parser another time (and I'm
not even sure it'd work as-is!).

It's clearly low-priority until I find a convenient control file parser
to use.

                        Mattia Rizzolo

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