Bug#789868: pbuilder: pdebuild fails with sudo error

Thorsten Glaser tg at mirbsd.de
Mon Oct 5 14:44:47 UTC 2015

Vincent Lefevre dixit:

>I have only enabled pbuilder to be executable via sudo (really, the
>default configuration + minimal changes for pbuilder), not env, as
>it would make *any* command executable via sudo.

See, that’s not the default configuration ;-) In fact, this is
purely a sudo issue, not a pbuilder one.

But semantics aside: I use a wrapper script that takes the target
distribution (and, optionally, architecture) as first argument,
then calls eatmydata cowbuilder with the rest, running linux32 or
linux64, possibly with --uname-2.6, prepended to it.

This sounds as if it would solve your problem.

<igli> exceptions: a truly awful implementation of quite a nice idea.
<igli> just about the worst way you could do something like that, afaic.
<igli> it's like anti-design.  <mirabilos> that too… may I quote you on that?
<igli> sure, tho i doubt anyone will listen ;)

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