Bug#789868: pbuilder: pdebuild fails with sudo error
Vincent Lefevre
vincent at vinc17.net
Fri Oct 9 00:02:48 UTC 2015
Control: tag -1 - unreproducible
On 2015-10-08 22:22:10 +0000, Mattia Rizzolo wrote:
> So, I created a really fresh VM (with an old testing from the time
> testing was jessie), dist-upgrade it to sid.
VM's may behave differently. Try with a real machine.
Try exactly:
1. By default, a normal user cannot use sudo for obvious security
reasons. So, one needs to enable pbuilder in some sudoers.d file
with "visudo -f /etc/sudoers.d/username":
username ALL = PASSWD: /usr/sbin/pbuilder
2. sudo pbuilder
This works.
3. sudo -E pbuilder
This gives an error:
sudo: sorry, you are not allowed to preserve the environment
Vincent Lefèvre <vincent at vinc17.net> - Web: <https://www.vinc17.net/>
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Work: CR INRIA - computer arithmetic / AriC project (LIP, ENS-Lyon)
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