Bug#820946: guess basepath based on --dist and --arch

Thorsten Glaser tg at mirbsd.de
Wed Apr 13 23:27:23 UTC 2016

Antoine Beaupré dixit:

>Adding such a default would improve the consistency of this across

It has also chances of breaking others’ layouts.

This is mine, on an x32 system:

$ ls /var/cache/pbuilder/                                                
aptcache               base.cow-lenny-i386     base.cow-wheezy-amd64  result-lenny
aptcache-debian        base.cow-lucid-amd64    base.cow-wheezy-i386   result-precise
aptcache-ubuntu        base.cow-precise-amd64  build                  result-sarge
base.cow-dpo           base.cow-precise-i386   ccache                 result-sid
base.cow-etch-amd64    base.cow-sarge-i386     pbuildd                result-squeeze
base.cow-etch-i386     base.cow-sid-amd64      pbuilder-mnt           result-stretch
base.cow-hardy-amd64   base.cow-sid-i386       result                 result-trusty
base.cow-hardy-i386    base.cow-squeeze-amd64  result-dpo             result-wheezy
base.cow-jessie-amd64  base.cow-squeeze-i386   result-etch
base.cow-jessie-i386   base.cow-stretch-amd64  result-hardy
base.cow-lenny-amd64   base.cow-trusty-amd64   result-jessie

The -arch is optional for the native arch (cf. base.cow-dpo),
and on another system I have only base.cow-sid (for i386, on
an i386 system), but recent versions of my pbuilderrc always
add it to ease switching between architectures (another system
of mine has base.cow-sid-amd64 on an amd64 system).


I’ll never use {cvs,git}-buildpackage, so I don’t know their layout.
I do subscribe to the Unix principle and don’t like such tools;
after all, just dpkg-buildpackage is the formal and correct Debian
way of doing things, and cowbuilder allows one to do just that.

Stéphane, I actually don’t block Googlemail, they’re just too utterly
stupid to successfully deliver to me (or anyone else using Greylisting
and not whitelisting their ranges). Same for a few other providers such
as Hotmail. Some spammers (Yahoo) I do block.

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