Bug#810737: pbuilderrc setting for --bin-nmu-maintainer

Thorsten Glaser tg at mirbsd.de
Mon Jan 11 21:36:32 UTC 2016

Andreas Beckmann dixit:

>something: --bin-nmu-maintainer "$DEBFULLNAME <$DEBEMAIL>" (using the

Do note that devscripts also supports (and, in some older versions,
required, due to bugs) setting DEBEMAIL to the entire stuff.

That means you likely need to do something like this:

if [[ $DEBEMAIL = *' <'*'>' ]]; then
elif [[ -z $DEBEMAIL ]]; then
	error 'DEBEMAIL not set'
elif [[ -z $DEBFULLNAME ]]; then
	error 'DEBFULLNAME not set and DEBEMAIL does not contain it'
	binnmumntner="$DEBFULLNAME <$DEBEMAIL>"

This space for rent.

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