Bug#810967: pbuilder: adds MIRRORSITE to /etc/pbuilderrc on each upgrade, overwriting local admin config

Mattia Rizzolo mattia at debian.org
Thu Jan 14 19:26:06 UTC 2016

On Thu, Jan 14, 2016 at 06:48:08PM +0000, Thorsten Glaser wrote:
> Mattia Rizzolo dixit:
> >Then, reading debian/pbuilder.config only if MIRRORSITE is not set, do
> >you confirm that you don't have it set?
> I say I *do* have it set. pbuilderrc attached.

yes, you do, indeed:


But I think this is not catched by the current script, which does

    CURRENTMIRROR=$(grep -E "^[ 	]*MIRRORSITE=" "$CONFFILE" | sed 's#MIRRORSITE=##g')
    if [ "$CURRENTMIRROR" ] ; then
        # do stuff...
        # no MIRRORSITE line found in the pbuilderrc file

e.g. `grep -E "^[ 	]*MIRRORSITE=" "$CONFFILE"` is not enough.

I'm more tempted to just drop the whole thing. e.g. if the file is
missing do try to detect the mirror and add it, but if the file is
already there, then just walk away (unless the used asked explicetely
to overwrite the conf through debconf).

BTW, did you just recently changed it?  I can't believe this went
unobserved for years :)

                        Mattia Rizzolo

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