Bug#827206: pbuilder: pre-installed eatmydata removed

Thorsten Glaser tg at mirbsd.de
Mon Jun 13 17:56:40 UTC 2016

gregor herrmann dixit:

>As a side effect of fixing #606158 / adding a new EATMYDATA variable,

ugh, that breaks a lot of things. For example, it adds the binary
and fails if the binary is not installed.

I have a wrapper script that invokes cowbuilder with the library

Can you please just disable all eatmydata handling in pbuilder
(install, remove, use) if [[ $LD_PRELOAD = *eatmydata* ]] ?

Yay for having to rewrite other people's Bash scripts because bash
suddenly stopped supporting the bash extensions they make use of
	-- Tonnerre Lombard in #nosec

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