Bug#836940: cowbuilder, sbuild: should behave identically in regard to default gnupg installation

Markus Koschany apo at debian.org
Thu Sep 8 15:49:04 UTC 2016

reopen 836940
reassign 836940 cowbuilder
retitle 836940 cowbuilder: gnupg not removed automatically on update

On 08.09.2016 13:41, Mattia Rizzolo wrote:
> On Thu, Sep 08, 2016 at 12:01:30AM +0200, Markus Koschany wrote:
>> I'm using the latest packages from sid (cowbuilder 0.80, pbuilder
>> 0.226). I'm not sure but I believe exporting
>> DEBOOTSTRAPOPTS=--variant=buildd solved the issue for me. GnuPG is no
>> longer installed by default. I'm using a slightly modified version of
>> Ubuntu's .pbuilderrc which I have once copied from
>> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PbuilderHowto
>> I'll check again tomorrow if gnupg will be installed without passing
>> this option to pbuilder. It may well be that I did something wrong a few
>> hours ago.
> At any rate, I think it became quite clear that neither pbuilder nor
> sbuild are directly at fault.
> This discussion might have highlighted some areas that could be
> improved, but in a thread like this is just about impossible to find
> them out again.  If people feels like it consider opening others,
> possibly more specific, bugs (at least for pbuilder, but I'm sure
> sbuild's maintainer likes them too).
> I'm closing this one, as really both sbuild and pbuilder behaves
> identically when it comes to gnupg not being installed by default.


I think you were a bit too quick with closing this bug report. I agree
that some people did hijack the report for other suggestions but I think
we have found the reason why we got different results with sbuild and

I have verified now that cowbuilder does not install gnupg by default
anymore, if you create a _new_ base chroot. However there is no current
mechanism in place that automatically removes packages like gnupg from
existing chroots on update. There aren't any warnings either.

Johannes Schauer explained at [1] how he did achieve that for sbuild. It
would be cool, if cowbuilder could do the same.



[1] https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=836940#51

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