Bug#854255: Broke reproducible builds build-path variation hook

James Clarke jrtc27 at debian.org
Sun Feb 5 14:04:00 UTC 2017

Package: pbuilder
Version: 0.228
Severity: important
User: reproducible-builds at lists.alioth.debian.org
Usertags: infrastructure
X-Debbugs-Cc: reproducible-builds at lists.alioth.debian.org

(Note that 0.228.3 was recently uploaded to stable-bpo; 0.228 (and
.1/.2) had this bug but never migrated to testing.)

The change from cd $BUILDDIR/*/ to cd $BUILDDIR/$SUBDIR_NAME, where
SUBDIR_NAME is $package-$upstream_version, means that the hook used for
reproducible builds (which renames the unpacked source directory to
"2nd") no longer works, as pbuilder cannot cd to the path it was
expecting. Proposed solution is to add a BUILDSUBDIR configuration
variable to pbuilderrc and use that to override the directory to which
the source package is unpacked. This would also allow this particular
reproducible builds hook to be dropped completely.

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