Bug#853886: cowbuilder: doesn't create _amd64.changes for binary-indep-only or source-only builds

James Clarke jrtc27 at debian.org
Thu Feb 23 22:54:04 UTC 2017

On 23 Feb 2017, at 22:51, Thorsten Glaser <tg at mirbsd.de> wrote:
> James Clarke dixit:
>> Why not use --source-only-changes and upload the _source.changes from
>> your final test binary build?
> This is actually required; uploading it as _amd64.changes will
> prevent the buildds from uploading amd64 binaries, as the changes
> file will already be present in the distribution. (BTDT, oops.)

Maybe that used to be true, but it definitely isn't any more.


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